Full squad information including Coach Evan's long-term swimmer development model.
https://1drv.ms/b/s!Agjpb1AjMx4RiNY0aI90Scumrhc_nQ?e=LA7i6cLane space to operate is limited to 3-lanes per session, except for Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings when we have all 6-lanes available to use. Session times are subject to change and are offered at different times during the school holidays.
https://1drv.ms/b/s!Agjpb1AjMx4RiNZVKg-l_vyL8L5_fA?e=1S6zcqTraining fees are debited, in advance, every 3rd Wednesday, and based on a 47-week training year. Fees include both a coaching payment and pool entry with Kiddieswim ($52.50 p/m).
https://1drv.ms/b/s!Agjpb1AjMx4RiNZYg7GSOBCYlbpK_Q?e=uyiht4Swim Camp is set up primarily as a challenge to the competitive members of the squad program. During the week of Swim Camp, they will have to face physical and emotional challenges as they push themselves to the limit of what they think they are capable of. The coaching staff will monitor everyone closely to ensure no one crosses the line between development and over-training.